Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Week 11 EOC: Forced Choice

Roland Moore
June 15, 2011
Forced Choice

1.       Ashley Tomlin:  She had the best research out of the class, and had the most convincing graphs to back up her research. 
2.      Coral McGarvey:  I really liked her idea and the information that she received it was easy to understand.  I was just not interested in the topic. 
3.      Elizabeth Manning:  Loved the layout of her project very easy to navigate.  It was broken up into sections which made it easy to see the outcome of the survey.
4.      Roland Moore:  I believe mine is a good as the ones in front of me but their project is just more appealing. 
5.      Lana Cunningham:  Great project.  Great use of words really draws you in and can’t wait to see how the survey went.  Then she only has one graph.  Hard to understand with only one graph.
6.      Cristin Wacaser:  Great idea just not enough information to support it.   

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