Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Week Five EOC: Prvacy?

After reading the Wall Street Journal article I am really scared to do anything online any more.  I have always thought to some cause that someone is looking at what I am doing, but I think that it is going to far.  If you really sit and think about it, think about all the stuff that you do online and how much things you buy or look at.  We pay bill we buy clothes and so much more.  I have sent personal info online or have posted things on facebook that anyone can see.  I think that a lot of people know that people can see what they are doing, but as long as nothing bad happens I think that they are okay with it. “A 20-year-old woman stalked through the Internet and killed. Thousands of e-commerce customers watching as their credit card numbers are sold online for $1 apiece.” Just reading the first line really freaks me out.  Then reading the second line scars me too.  What should we do about this?  It says that a girl died and people are selling credit card numbers too.  This has gone way too far.  The theft of data of over 77 million users of Sony’s PlayStation network (including credit card information of 280,000 of its 715,000 Australian users)”  This just happened last week and this has been a really big deal.  Think about all the people that have money and buy things online form Sony.  Everyone got hacked and as the quote says there is a lot of credit card information that is out there now.  “Everybody points to advertising. That’s just the tip of the iceberg,” Jackson said. “We as consumers don’t have any knowledge of what really goes on out there.”  This just goes to what I was saying no one really want to know what is going on they just live on with their lives until one day it involves them.

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